On 25/05/12 13:23, Victor Seva wrote:
Hi Daniel,
2012/5/25 Daniel Pocock <daniel(a)pocock.com.au>au>:
I can see some things very quickly:
debian/control, build-depends:
you need: debhelper (>= 9.0.0)
and maybe: Standards-Version: 3.9.3
must be 9 (not 8)
`see AUTHORS file' might be unacceptable: Debian ftpmasters may
reject the package. Better to be safe and copy stuff from the AUTHORS
file into debian/copyright
- I haven't looked too closely, I can see it started in 2006 and may
not follow the current practices with debhelper, if you are not
confident with this file, you could just try making a fresh one, e.g.
just copy the rules file from my resiprocate package, study it carefully
as you would probably need to change a few details, or you can use the
command `dh_make' to create a fresh rules file
I'm not too confident but the rules do their job.
- the `get-orig-source' stuff - maybe it
shouldn't be there, not sure
about this
From the README of pkg-voip team: "To download the *.orig.tar.gz to
the ../tarballs directory, most of the pkg-voip packages have a
"get-orig-source" target in their debian/rules. Further, there is a
"print-version" target showing the upstream version used for the
current packaging. You can run the get-orig-source directly from
trunk/ or tags/$version/."
So, this is fine.
That should be ok - I saw it and I didn't look closely enough to see if
it gets called during the build phase - Debian policy says something
about no downloads during the build phase
Some other things that sponsors will check before accepting the package
(or asking you to do more work), have you tried building it with pbuilder?
In particular, you should verify it with --twice, something like this I
think (I've put -j12 for faster build on a multi-core CPU):
cd kamailio-x.y.z
/usr/bin/pdebuild --debbuildopts -j12 -- --twice
Are you also
participating in the debian-mentors list? There are many
very helpful people there, someone always seems to respond to questions
there within a short period of time. You can also upload packages to
the mentors site and it makes it very easy for people to evaluate them
and give more feedback.
I'm already member of the pkg-voip team so I hope someone of team will
sponsor the upload when it will be ready.
But yeah, maybe I need to ask on mentors about this problem.
Ok, great, all you have to do is register at
and then you can upload the package there for potential sponsors to review
Although I have some packages in Debian, I am still at an early phase of
the Debian signup process and sponsor's upload them for me, so I can't
offer to help the kamailio upload but I'm happy to try the packages
after you put them on the mentors site.