On 19.07.2009 17:42 Uhr, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Alex Balashov writes:
The new inventions Daniel introduced in 1.5.x - especially dlg_bridge() - have also served me incredibly well. It's allowed me to totally ditch Asterisk in a couple of outbound call broadcast scenarios. Great stuff!
if you need to do that kind of bridging often, then sure dialog module is a way to go.
daniel suggested that i could use dialog module dlg_bridge mi command to implement click-to-dial calls.
if only a very small percentage of all calls would be click-to-dial calls and thus use dialog module, would it introduce a performance penalty for every bye (or even for every in-dialog) request, because they need to be checked for did param in route header?
the initial dialog created by dlg_bridge (invite+refer+bye) is not tracked by dialog module (nor stored in db). There is no penalty, the call created by one side because of REFER comes to proxy as an usual call and it is a matter of config to be tacked or not.
Bottom line, if you load dialog module just for dlg_bridge (don't set the dlg flag nor use dlg_manage() in config), there is no effect for any of the calls.