### Description
When using Kamailio with `tcp_accept_haproxy=yes`, the `$si` and `$sp` variables have the real IP & Port information from the original connection to the LB leaving no way to access the connection IP & Port from where the packet is received from Kamailio perspective.
### Possible Solutions
Create two new pseudovariables that contain the connection IP & Port where the packet was received for use cases where `tcp_accept_haproxy=yes`.
Suggested names (but could be any): $CI and $CP meaning -> Connection IP and Connection Port.
### Example
With `tcp_accept_haproxy=yes`:
UAC ( -> ( LB **with** Proxy Protocol ( -> ( Kamailio.
``` $si = $sp = 45621 $CI = $CP = 57482 ```
With `tcp_accept_haproxy=no`:
UAC ( -> ( LB **without** Proxy Protocol ( -> ( Kamailio.
``` $si = $sp = 57482 $CI = $CP = 57482 ```
I don't think there is any way to get the `` IP and Port from the example above when using `tcp_accept_haproxy=yes` but I could be wrong.
Thanks! Joel.