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FS#54 - Received replies should get higher preference than locally generated ones
User who did this - Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul (andrei)
I disagree. From the 4xx replies the reply which provides the most information is
forwarded (using the rfc suggested list: 401, 407, 415, 420, and
484 are higher priority then any other 4xx). If the downstream uses another reply then its
reply is not important enough :-)
You example with 603 is wrong, a 6xx will _always_ be preferred (so you would always get
the 6xx). However I don't see what failover one could do when it receives a 6xx, so I
assume you meant 503. Even if this is the case, according to the rfc if the final response
is 503 it should be changed into 500 (this is automatically done in tm), so you won't
have any failover upstream.
What you propose could be done inside the same reply class (e.g. if you get a local 408
and remote 410, prefer the remote 410), but going across classes (e.g. prefer remote 5xx
to local 4xx) IMHO doesn't make sense (a local send failure or timeout is much more
informative then a remote 5xx).
Maybe if you could provide an example when it would help (but note that 6xx are always
preferred and 503 is changed into 500)?
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