Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
I see the logs messages, and it is ok that the reply was not sent message is printed, because it wasn't. But the reply is not going to be sent because there is a check on XMLRPC_DELAYED_REPLY_F flag.
I am no longer sure what behaviour you can get currently, because you haven't mentioned along with the logs here -- two replies or no-reply?
i have tried numerous variations of this and have never been able to produce a failure message when callback was not executed due to an error.
below is one variation. it closes the unused delayed context (where XMLRPC_DELAYED_REPLY_F was set) and uses the original rpc and c params to send the fault message. ngrep/syslog shows this:
Dec 5 11:52:18 rautu /usr/bin/sip-proxy[4711]: INFO: pua_rpc [pua_rpc.c:222]: publish(): pua_send_publish returned 418
T 2014/12/05 11:52:18.545314 -> [AP] HTTP/1.1 200 OK. Via: SIP/2.0/TCP Server: OpenXg SIP Proxy (4.3.0-0 (i386/linux)). Content-Length: 108. . <?xml version="1.0"?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse>
Dec 5 11:52:18 rautu /usr/bin/sip-proxy[4711]: INFO: xmlrpc [xmlrpc.c:2441]: dispatch_rpc(): reply was not sent
that is, one dummy empty reply is sent.
-- juha
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h>
#include "../../sr_module.h" #include "../../parser/parse_expires.h" #include "../../dprint.h" #include "../../mem/shm_mem.h" #include "../../parser/msg_parser.h" #include "../../str.h" #include "../../mem/mem.h" #include "../../pt.h" #include "../../rpc_lookup.h" #include "../../modules/tm/tm_load.h" #include "../../lib/kcore/cmpapi.h" #include "../pua/pua_bind.h"
static int mod_init(void);
send_publish_t pua_send_publish;
static const char* publish_doc[2] = { "sends publish request and waits for the final reply, using a list " "of string parameters: presentity uri, expires, event package, " "content type, id, etag, outbound proxy, extra headers, " " and body (optional)", 0 };
static int publish_callback(ua_pres_t* hentity, struct sip_msg* reply) { rpc_delayed_ctx_t* dctx; void* c; rpc_t* rpc; struct hdr_field* hdr= NULL; int statuscode; int expires; int found; str etag; str reason = {0, 0};
LM_DBG("running callback\n");
if (reply == NULL || hentity == NULL || hentity->cb_param == NULL) { LM_ERR("NULL reply or hentity parameter\n"); return -1; }
dctx = (rpc_delayed_ctx_t *)(hentity->cb_param); hentity->cb_param = NULL; if (dctx == 0){ BUG("null delayed reply ctx\n"); return -1; } rpc = &dctx->rpc; c = dctx->reply_ctx;
if (reply == FAKED_REPLY) { statuscode = 408; reason.s = "Request Timeout"; reason.len = strlen(reason.s); } else { statuscode = reply->first_line.u.reply.statuscode; reason = reply->first_line.u.reply.reason; } rpc->add(c, "dS", statuscode, &reason);
if (statuscode == 200) { expires = ((exp_body_t*)reply->expires->parsed)->val; LM_DBG("expires = %d\n", expires); hdr = reply->headers; found = 0; while (hdr != NULL) { if(cmp_hdrname_strzn(&hdr->name, "SIP-ETag",8) == 0) { found = 1; break; } hdr = hdr->next; } if (found == 0) { LM_ERR("SIP-ETag header field not found\n"); rpc->delayed_ctx_close(dctx); return -1; } etag = hdr->body; LM_DBG("SIP-Etag = %.*s\n", etag.len, etag.s); rpc->add(c, "Sd", &etag, expires); }
return 0; }
static void publish(rpc_t* rpc, void* c) { str pres_uri, expires, event, content_type, id, etag, outbound_proxy, extra_headers, body; rpc_delayed_ctx_t* dctx; int exp, sign, ret, err_ret, sip_error; char err_buf[MAX_REASON_LEN]; struct sip_uri uri; publ_info_t publ;
body.s = 0; body.len = 0; dctx = 0;
LM_DBG("rpc publishing ...\n");
if ((rpc->capabilities == 0) || !(rpc->capabilities(c) & RPC_DELAYED_REPLY)) { rpc->fault(c, 600, "Reply wait/async mode not supported" " by this rpc transport"); return; }
ret = rpc->scan(c, "SSSSSSSS*S", &pres_uri, &expires, &event, &content_type, &id, &etag, &outbound_proxy, &extra_headers, &body); if (ret < 8) { rpc->fault(c, 400, "too few parameters (%d)", ret); return; }
if (parse_uri(pres_uri.s, pres_uri.len, &uri) <0) { LM_ERR("bad resentity uri\n"); rpc->fault(c, 400, "Invalid presentity uri '%s'", pres_uri.s); return; } LM_DBG("presentity uri '%.*s'\n", pres_uri.len, pres_uri.s);
if (expires.s[0]== '-') { sign= -1; expires.s++; expires.len--; } else { sign = 1; } if (str2int(&expires, (unsigned int*)&exp) < 0) { LM_ERR("invalid expires parameter\n" ); rpc->fault(c, 400, "Invalid expires '%s'", expires.s); return; } exp = exp * sign; LM_DBG("expires '%d'\n", exp);
LM_DBG("event '%.*s'\n", event.len, event.s);
LM_DBG("content type '%.*s'\n", content_type.len, content_type.s);
LM_DBG("id '%.*s'\n", id.len, id.s);
LM_DBG("ETag '%.*s'\n", etag.len, etag.s);
LM_DBG("outbound_proxy '%.*s'\n", outbound_proxy.len, outbound_proxy.s);
LM_DBG("extra headers '%.*s'\n", extra_headers.len, extra_headers.s);
if (body.len > 0) LM_DBG("body '%.*s'\n", body.len, body.s);
if ((body.s == 0) && (content_type.len != 1 || content_type.s[0] != '.')) { LM_ERR("body is missing, but content type is not .\n"); rpc->fault(c, 400, "Body is missing"); return; }
memset(&publ, 0, sizeof(publ_info_t)); publ.pres_uri= &pres_uri;
publ.expires= exp;
publ.event= get_event_flag(&event); if (publ.event < 0) { LM_ERR("unknown event '%.*s'\n", event.len, event.s); rpc->fault(c, 400, "Unknown event"); return; }
if (content_type.len != 1) { publ.content_type= content_type; }
if (!((id.len == 1) && (id.s[0]== '.'))) { publ.id= id; }
if (!((etag.len== 1) && (etag.s[0]== '.'))) { publ.etag= &etag; }
if (!((outbound_proxy.len == 1) && (outbound_proxy.s[0] == '.'))) { publ.outbound_proxy = &outbound_proxy; }
if (!((extra_headers.len == 1) && (extra_headers.s[0] == '.'))) { publ.extra_headers = &extra_headers; }
if (body.s != 0) { publ.body= &body; }
dctx = rpc->delayed_ctx_new(c); if (dctx == 0) { LM_ERR("internal error: failed to create context\n"); rpc->fault(c, 500, "internal error: failed to create context"); return; }
publ.cb_param = dctx; publ.source_flag = MI_ASYN_PUBLISH;
ret = pua_send_publish(&publ); LM_INFO("pua_send_publish returned %d\n", ret);
if (dctx->reply_ctx == 0) /* callback was successfully executed */ return; else /* close unused delayed context */ (&dctx->rpc)->delayed_ctx_close(dctx);
if (ret < 0) { LM_ERR("pua_send_publish failed\n"); err_ret = err2reason_phrase(ret, &sip_error, err_buf, sizeof(err_buf), "RPC/PUBLISH") ; if (err_ret > 0 ) { rpc->fault(c, sip_error, "%s", err_buf); } else { rpc->fault(c, 500, "RPC/PUBLISH error"); } }
if (ret == 418) { rpc->fault(c, 500, "Wrong ETag"); }
return; }
rpc_export_t pua_rpc[] = { {"pua.publish", publish, publish_doc, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} };
/** module exports */ struct module_exports exports= { "pua_rpc", 0, pua_rpc, 0, mod_init, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /** * init module function */ static int mod_init(void) { bind_pua_t bind_pua; pua_api_t pua;
LM_DBG("initializing\n"); bind_pua= (bind_pua_t)find_export("bind_pua", 1,0);
if (!bind_pua) { LM_ERR("can't find pua\n"); return -1; } if (bind_pua(&pua) < 0) { LM_ERR("can't bind pua\n"); return -1; }
if (pua.send_publish == NULL) { LM_ERR("could not import send_publish\n"); return -1; } pua_send_publish = pua.send_publish;
if (pua.register_puacb(MI_ASYN_PUBLISH, publish_callback, NULL) < 0) { LM_ERR("could not register callback\n"); return -1; }
return 0; }