On 16-04 17:46, Jan Janak wrote:
On 16-04 18:28, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Jan Janak writes:
There are currently three directories with modules:
- modules: This is the directory that contains modules that have been merged from both projects.
- modules_k: This is the directory that contains updated Kamailio modules.
after cloning sip-router, i noticed that modules didn't contain that many modules. what needs to be done to get more modules, for example lcr, moved from modules_k to modules?
If there is no module with the same name in modules_s then you can move the module right away with 'git mv'.
If you know that the corresponding SER module is unmaitained and should be replaced with its kamailio equivalent then you can delete the module in modules_s with 'git rm' and move the module from modules_k to modules. That's the case with lcr, I believe.
In other cases we can move modules from modules_s and modules_k to modules once we merge them.
Just FYI: we considered moving modules that exist only in one project directly to modules/, but then we realized that it will be better if we import them in modules_s and modules_k respectively and then move them with 'git mv', because then it will be recorded in the history of the repository. Also we do not know which kamailio modules are unmaintained, so it might be better to sort this out later.