On 20.07.2009 9:49 Uhr, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla schrieb:
On 18.07.2009 21:57 Uhr, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
On Jul 18, 2009 at 22:18, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
i have now managed to get all my stuff working using sr except t_uac_dlg. t_uac_dlg is not working because for some reason sr tm module does not implement t_uac_dlg and mi_rpc tells "async mi cmd not implemented yet".
i would prefer native support of t_uac_dlg in tm module,
there is an alternative that you can use: dlg_bridge from K dialog module:
from docu:
Bridge 'from' SIP address to 'to' SIP address via outbound proxy 'op'.
by no means I would have guessed that this means "click-2-dial". I think this function needs some more documentation.
ok. I that time was also a news notification email. Anyhow, for docs is all the time space, feel free to suggest and/or add.
Thanks, Daniel