Ionut Ionita writes:
I did the fix but I think the implementation as it was
it's a little
broken. That is because you can trace only to database using sip_trace
with no arguments, but you can't trace only to database if using
correlation_id(this was the case in previous versions). With the new
additions you can't trace a dialog only to database. I respected
previous implementation, that's why duplicate URI was mandatory, but
this check is skipped if sip_trace is used with 0 or 1 argument, which
I didn't notice.
I don't understand from the above, if after this fix the very basic
existing usage of siptrace module (if flag is set sip_trace(); adds the
trace to db) works or not.
I would feel comfortable, if you would leave the 5.2 code of the simple
usage untouched and write your extensions in new sections of the code
rather than making the simple usage a special case in a more complex
-- Juha