On 07/10/13 11:32, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
Are there pretty-printing tools for bencode? Or just 'gateways' to json/xml pretty-printing.
There's an online one here: http://pauw.student.utwente.nl/bencode.html
Or you can easily make one yourself. For example in Perl, using one of the existing bencode modules, it's about a 2-liner script. Same in PHP, or Python, or ...
I was referring to post-processing -- i.e., do the queries periodically or for each call at the end, store the results in a storage system and then generate reports. With json, in some systems you can simply refer to it as a structure, like:
This kind of operations makes very easy generating reports.
I'm not sure I understand the problem. In order to access elements of a JSON object, the whole JSON string has to be parsed and processed. The same is true for bencode. After decoding, elements can be accessed in whatever way the language and library used supports. There's no reason why bencode data can't be accessed the same way JSON data can be accessed. The structure of the data is the same.
Unless you're talking about an immutable system which only supports but can't support JSON. In that case you can either directly translate bencode to JSON, or teach either the RTP proxy or the module to also produce JSON output when needed. But I'm not familiar with any such systems, so can't really provide any useful input.