6 jul 2011 kl. 10.09 skrev Klaus Darilion:
Am 05.07.2011 18:42, schrieb IƱaki Baz Castillo:
NOTE: In fact, some existing clients (as the widely extended PJSIP) would fail if the Record-Route contains sips+transport=tcp as I've reported today: http://lists.pjsip.org/pipermail/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org/2011-July/013102.html
This is because PJSIP does not understand at all the meaning of a sips schema (ugly in a so widely deployed SIP stack).
Maybe pjsip is the only one who make it right. ;-)
IMO "sips:" is totally broken and should be deprecated. With "sips:" a client relies that all intermediate hops are standard conform and do forwarding with encryption. If you really need encryption end2end this is a wrong approach - so it is broken by design.
Yes. SIPS: doesn't really help anyone and showing a padlock on the phone is a broken model here.