That is the default one used if none is provided.
I think, the default value should be a `USE_SYSV_SEM` as in Makefiles.defs:
If FreeBSD requires some other we can overwrite the value in the `freebsd.cmake` to have a more reasonable one.
Do you think it's need to explicit set `LOCK_METHOD` to `USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX` (example) in the `freebsd.cmake` and also duplicate it as `target_compile_definitions` in os-specific, isn't it? For example for freebsd.cmake: ``` message(STATUS "USE_FAST_LOCK = ${USE_FAST_LOCK}") if(NOT ${USE_FAST_LOCK}) target_compile_definitions(common INTERFACE USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX) endif() set(LOCK_METHOD USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX) ``` I think it seems ugly. Also MacOS doesn't tested with futexlock.h earlier too.
I think freebsd just uses fastlock if executed on a standard architecture
Yes. But I said, the explicit `USE_FUTEX` as a default isn't correct, in my mind.
So, for you to build you have removed the link against `resolv`
Yep, I've built with removed link only.