Hi Henning,
I have found out that this NOT a lenny problem. It is general.
Have you seen the other post :
If I set the debug(in cfg) to 4 the proxy write logging messages, then via $kamctl debug 2 is everything fine(still logging).
If the debug is set to 2 and I run the proxy in foreground I also receive log messages.
Another interesting thing is if you bring in a log at line 205 (daemonize.c) it is working:
LM_ERR("what ever \n"); for (r=3; r < 32; r++){ close(r); }
It seems that close() is not able to close the fd for the log (return value from mksock in syslog_async.c).
But If I let the for-loop counter start at 4 it is still not working.
After that I tried to set up log_fd as global( int log_fd=-1) and include the headers, to check the "r" against the log_fd before execute close(). But the same result.
Also a correct close(closelog_async()) in deamonize do not work.
I am open for any ideas, maybe I have oversight something. Could you reproduce this ?
best regards
Am Donnerstag, den 26.11.2009, 12:40 +0100 schrieb Henning Westerholt:
On Freitag, 20. November 2009, Torben Friese wrote:
OK sorry, the variable "r" is re-set in the for-loop, my
think before write ;-) ).
But the loop is the problem in my opinion.
If I put a LM_* log direct in fron of the close(line208 in
everything seems fine. Which means the close command fails (maybe at the right fd).
Hi Torben,
did not dig in the code in question so far, but is this still the same problem you reported on the user list, that it work on etch but not on lenny?