On Nov 21, 2008 at 15:20, Jan Janak jan@iptel.org wrote:
did you setup a different commit mailer for sip-router git repository than the one that we had for the ser git repository?
No, it's the same as for ser, with --first-parent added to git rev-list.
If so, do you think you could modify it to include the name of the branch in the subject of the message?
Current format:
$subject = "git" . ":" . $repos_name . ": " . ${$info{"log"}}[0]
I think we could remove the repo_name, or replace it somehing shorter. My preffered format would be:
$subject = "git" . ":" . ${$info{"log"}}[0]$ . "(" . $ref ")"
(the most visible part == commit summary rather then branch).
What do you think?
BTW: I think I finally found out how to get mail only for the new commits (the --first-parent is an improvement, but with complicated commit trees it sometimes get confused and outputs too many commits):
git rev-parse --not --all| grep -v $new | git rev-list --stdin $new ^$old
I'll try to play with test a little, maybe I can fix the commit new branch part too.