On Jun 01, 2009 at 19:02, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
I'm not against changing the default provided that more people want it and someone takes care of changing all the doc references.
in k, dsn failover is on by default. i can change the NEWS file, no problem. where else it is documented?
At least in doc/dns.txt.
perhaps there should be a page for s users similar to
There is: doc/config_migration.txt and https://sip-router.org/wiki/admin_guide/migrate links it.
There are other dns related defaults you should be aware off: dns_srv_lb - default off. With it on the srv failover will do load balancing (as in rfc2782), wihtout it will only do simple failover based on priority and weight (will try all the A records in order instead of load balancing between records witht he same priority based on weights). With it on -> slight performance hit.
dns_try_naptr - default off. dns_udp_pref, dns_tcp_pref, dns_tls_pref, dns_sctp_pref - preference of the corresp. protocol when doing NAPTR lookups. Allow overriding the preference listed in the NAPTR record with a local preference. -1 completely disables a protocol. Default: udp=30, tcp=20, tls=10, sctp=20 (prefer udp, then sctp or tcp and then tls). To obey the rfc one would have to set all of them to the same value (e.g. 100), but in general udp is preferable (lighter weight).
For more info see doc/dns.txt.