2009/3/30 Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net:
When Content-Lenght is higher than the real body size it causes a segmentfault!
Mar 30 17:03:24 [28414] CRITICAL:core:anchor_lump: offset exceeds message size (762 > 662) aborting... Mar 30 17:03:24 [28412] INFO:core:handle_sigs: child process 28414 exited by a signal 6 Mar 30 17:03:24 [28412] INFO:core:handle_sigs: core was generated Mar 30 17:03:24 [28412] INFO:core:handle_sigs: terminating due to SIGCHLD Mar 30 17:03:24 [28491] CRITICAL:core:receive_fd: EOF on 14
I've checked the last commit fixing this problem. The SDP is in fact modified in the request (not entirely since "a=nortpproxy" line is not added) but force_rtpproxy() returns -1. Is it the expected behaviour? I would prefer that SDP is not modified at all.