2010/5/31 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com:
- I want a default route using gw1 and gw2 (for any prefix).
- In calls to 001 (USA) I want to use *just* gw3, so I could create a
lcr rule with prefix 001 and grp_id=X, and a lcr_group with id=X containing just gw3.
- If gw3 is down or replies 503 (this is, if the USA lcr rule fails) I
don't want to try the default route (gw1 and gw2). This is not possible with the current design as the default route (lcr rules with no prefix) would be loaded automatically.
- With my proposal (a column "stop" with value 1) there is no need to
coding ugly and static code in failure_route. Instead load_gws() would stop inspecting lcr_rules table when a rule with "stop=1" is found.
does this cover the case where there are two equal priority gw groups defined for prefix 001?
Hi, also remember the new constrain I proposed: there cannot be two lcr entries with same prefix, grp_id and priority.
I suggest/propose all of this due to my real experience. I've deployed a proxy for load balancing, failover and routing (based on prefix) to some PSTN gateways and after implementing it I really miss the above features.
thanks for your suggestions, it just remains to implement them :-).
Sure. Just let me some weeks until I get some time to make the specifications and start coding it.