A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below.
User who did this - Camille Oudot (coudot)
Attached to Project - sip-router Summary - P-Served-User header on IMS ISC interface Task Type - Improvement Category - Module Status - Unconfirmed Assigned To - Operating System - All Severity - Medium Priority - Normal Reported Version - Development Due in Version - Undecided Due Date - Undecided Details - Hi,
I have made a patch for the ims_isc module to add support for P-Served-User header on the ISC interface. This header allows a triggered Application Server to know the IMS user for who it was triggered, and in what state (originating/terminating, registered/unregistered). Our application servers can't live without it. Moreover, this header have been normalized in RFC 5502, so it would be nice to support it in ims_isc. This patch doesn't do anything complicated, only text formating, since all required informations were available in the module's internal data.
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