On 06/24/2009 04:39 PM, Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana wrote:
On Wednesday 24 June 2009 15:22:50 Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
On 06/24/2009 04:01 PM, Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana wrote:
On Wednesday 24 June 2009 14:49:37 Juha Heinanen wrote:
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
We still have the problem that we haven't decided yet on a short-name. (while the project is called sip-router, we haven't decided on the short binary name). Unfortunately this is proving to be very difficult since there are a lot of very different opinions (we tried once before and we gave up after 2 days because there was no agreement in sight).
my proposal is to call binary/config file sip-router/sip-router.cfg. sr would be too short. tools, like ctl, could be prefixed with sr.
I like this proposal, look simple and clear.
This is very bad from project identity point of view. I have been few weeks ago at a conference in Germany and telling people that I present sip router, everyone asked "which one?" It really looks ridiculous to say something like " I manufacture a car named 'car' " (or "I develop a sip router name sip router").
Therefore, if matters, there should be some other identifier for the project to make it easy to refer to others.
Cheers, Daniel
Hi Daniel, I was just speaking about the binary/config name, not the project name.
I supposed that if sip-router is been used as project name from the beginning, chaning it now could be dangerous ... another project name change in less than a year ? ... buff I don't see it
I think you do a confusion at this particular time. Kamailio project goes on because there are overlapping modules from ser that won't be integrated. I don't think that people would be happy to drop modules from a side or another (e.g., like auth modules that are present in both modules_k and modules_s).
We are talking about this particular project hosted by sip-router.org which had no release so far, but needs an identity. Next version of kamailio will still be named kamailio and include the modules inherited from kamailio, probably including some modules from ser as well.
As it seems a pure ser release is not planned yet, we can stick with this name for a while, because it is there and it is unique. In kamailio, we do releases every 6 months, therefore September is just about the time.
Cheers, Daniel