quick note to let everyone know that the split was just done -- old Lua sr library being exported now by app_lua_sr module. I will send soon more details and update wiki for it.
Cheers, Daniel
On 16.05.19 09:41, Henning Westerholt wrote:
Hi Daniel,
not beeing a lua kamailio user, but the technical arguments sounds fine to me for a split (and later removal) of the obsolete style API.
Am 15.05.19 um 13:51 schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla:
I am considering to split the app_lua module in order to move the older style API available under Lua 'sr' module in a dedicated module (like app_lua_sr). Later this module can be obsoleted and removed, once we know that everything there is covered by KEMI KSR Lua module.
In this way, we make it more clear that KSR is the preferred API to use as well have the app_lua smaller, for those using only KSR and not needing 'sr' API.
Therefore I am starting the discussion to see if anyone has something against or other suggestions. I cc-ed sr-dev to make developers aware, but I think the best place for discussion is sr-users, being related to how Kamailio is used, therefore reply only to sr-users.
Cheers, Daniel