On Donnerstag, 26. November 2009, Torben Friese wrote:
I have found out that this NOT a lenny problem. It is general.
Hello Torben,
ok, understand.
Have you seen the other post :
If I set the debug(in cfg) to 4 the proxy write logging messages, then via $kamctl debug 2 is everything fine(still logging).
This sounds fine.
If the debug is set to 2 and I run the proxy in foreground I also receive log messages.
You don't expect to receive log messages here? Do you've set fork=no, or log_stderr=no?
Another interesting thing is if you bring in a log at line 205 (daemonize.c) it is working:
LM_ERR("what ever \n");
for (r=3; r < 32; r++){ close(r); }
It seems that close() is not able to close the fd for the log (return value from mksock in syslog_async.c).
But If I let the for-loop counter start at 4 it is still not working.
After that I tried to set up log_fd as global( int log_fd=-1) and include the headers, to check the "r" against the log_fd before execute close(). But the same result.
Also a correct close(closelog_async()) in deamonize do not work.
I am open for any ideas, maybe I have oversight something. Could you reproduce this ?
I did not found time to setup a test scenario today, should be able to do so on monday.