### Description
While debugging an issue with locally generated in-dialog requests I stumbled upon some weirdness with the alias functionality from the nathelper module.
The dialog modules tries to handle an alias parameter when sending an in-dialog request by calling ```uri_restore_rcv_alias()``` in the function ```build_dlg_t()```. A few instructions later, the same is attempted by the tm module in the function ```req_within()```. It seems to me that the attempt by the dialog module is redundant and can be removed.
And while at it, IMHO it should be removed from the tm module too. This is functionality introduced by the nathelper module. Nowhere in the documentation it is mentioned there is some automatic handling of the alias parameter. If handling is needed for local requests, the script writer can call ```handle_uri_alias()``` from within local_route.
If the functionality has to stay, may I suggest that the code in the nathelper module makes use of the ```uri_restore_rcv_alias()``` function instead of having its own duplicate implementation. Less maintenance, easier debugging.