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From: [mailto:sr-dev-bounces@lists.sip-] On Behalf Of IƱaki Baz Castillo Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 8:38 AM To: Cc: Development mailing list of the sip-router project Subject: Re: [sr-dev] OT: How to add code into the tracker (FLYSPRAY)?
No good option found yet by me -- it is not only about the features set, it is mainly about the maintenance and future of that project, so we don't select another bad choice.
I use Redmine extensively, in both my personal server and also at my work, managing lots of different projects. It's just great great great. Very flexible, powerful and customizable. It's multiproject, having each project its own users, permissions (private or public project) and so on.
+1 for Redmine, we use it internally as well and like it very much.
- Brad