I've spotted a couple of bugs that have been recently introduced into the pua and presence mudules that can cause a crash. The presence one can occur at start up when it loads up data from the database. Not sure if this is what your seeing, but we'll be checking in a couple of fixes for this later today
-----Original Message----- From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 8:58 PM To: Development mailing list of the sip-router project Subject: Re: [sr-dev] current master fails to start
On 1/16/12 8:31 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
Can you skip loading the tls module and see if it works without it? Tls mod was touched a bit, but not related to memory at all, but where init of tls happens.
i get the same errors also when tls module is not loaded and
ok, just wanted to exclude that too from the list. I ran on an ubuntu with default config and all goes fine here, sure there is a different set of loaded module.
To understand the proxy is not starting at all, if you run with higher debug mode, where is it stopping? What is the last module/core file that prints messages?
From the man page of malloc, set MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable to
2 and run again, you should get a coredump and extract the backtrace -- that should give a proper hint.
Also, what is the output of 'ldd --version'?
Cheers, Daniel