On Wednesday 15 June 2011, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2011/6/15 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
it should work in dokuwiki style, I guess, like:
<code> ... </code>
Humm, it does not work, it just displays the <code> tags, see:
I've read flyspray site documentation and found nothing, so maybe it's not possible...
Is it to late to migrate to other issue tracker as Redmine (which is more than great)? Just wondering, I suppose it's indeed late for that
Hi Iñaki,
because of some flyspray bug i needed to disable the syntax plugin some month ago, it was also (briefly) discussed on the list. So probably it does not work because of this at the moment.
Its unfortunate that flyspay does not release a new stable version so far, also the activity in the repository is not really looking good.. On their list there is still some traffic, maybe the original developers lost interest and nobody steps up so far.. http://groups.google.com/group/flyspray?hl=en
Using another tracker would mean that we need to migrate somehow the current issues from the tracker, so i also think its late for that.
Best regards,