Hi Miconda. Unfortunately I'd tried to change the script to use Expires: 3600 before raising this ticket, based on reading RFC 3903 section 4.5 "Removing Event State", but the behaviour was the same. I was wondering about that, that perhaps the state might be removed (unpublished) and then then immediately expire and not be replicated using dmq.
So far I don't think this is a dmq problem, as the event does appear to be replicated, in as much as the serialized JSON is in the log. Additionally, I tried modifying the PUBLISH to be sent to both servers in the pair (HA) to try to rule this out, but the behaviour was the same.
I have narrowed it down to a difference between version 5.5.4 and 5.6.0, so I can rule 5.6.1 out. I read the diff between both revisions in src/core and couldn't see any smoking gun as yet. For the moment we are downgrading in production until we can figure out what is happening.