### Description If the INVITE contains `;ob` but no `;+sip.instance=xxxx;reg-id=N` then a flow-token is not added to the record-route header. This is contrary to RFC5626.
#### Reproduction
Configure 2 x kamailio according to module outbound; i.e 1 x edge proxy and 1 x internal proxy/registrar.
UA1 and UA2 have already REGISTER'ed with `;+sip.instance=...;reg-id=...`.
``` UA1, UA2 --- edge proxy --- internal proxy ```
Send INVITE from UA1 to UA2 with `;ob` but no other params: ``` Contact: sip:user1250@;transport=TLS;ob Record-Route: sip:;r2=on;lr Record-Route: sip:;transport=tls;r2=on;lr ``` Observe that there is no flow-token added.
Send INVITE from UA1 to UA2 with `;ob` with `;+sip.instance=...;reg-id=...`: ``` Contact: sip:user1200@;transport=tls;ob;+sip.instance="urn:uuid:0000 `0000-0000-0000-0000-0012341234";reg-id=7 Record-Route: sip:Jz0HaDIr1ZoqEAPAqA0yE8XAqAwqyAo=@;r2=on;lr Record-Route: sip:Jz0HaDIr1ZoqEAPAqA0yE8XAqAwqyAo=@;transport=tls;r2=on;lr ``` Observe that there is a flow-token added.
#### Debugging Data
#### SIP Traffic
### Possible Solutions
### Additional Information
Version; kamailio 5.6.0
#### RFC5626 Section 9.5 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5626#section-9.5
INVITE must contain `ob;` but does not need to contain `;+sip.instance=...;reg-id=...`
``` INVITE sip:alice@a.example SIP/2.0 From: Bob sip:bob@example.com;tag=ldw22z To: Alice sip:alice@a.example Call-ID: 95KGsk2V/Eis9LcpBYy3 CSeq: 1 INVITE Route: sip:ep1.example.com;lr Contact: sip:bob@;transport=tcp;ob ```
EP1 adds a Record-Route with a flow-token in message #43. ``` Record-Route: sip:3yJEbr1GYZK9cPYk5Snocez6DzO7w+AX@ep1.example.com;lr ```