On Jun 01, 2009 at 17:34, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
0x02 - in sip-router the negative reply is generated at the end of the script (and not internal inside t_relay()) and only if no reply from script was generated. So one could always use t_reply() to change the reply code, or t_release() to skip generating a reply. I'm not sure if this is completely equivalent to the k 0x02.
this sounds fine.
in case of failure, does t_relay always return -1 or are the other negative values as well?
It can return other negative values, when called form a request route (e.g.: E_BAD_ADDRESS, E_SEND, E_ADM_PROHIBITED, E_OUT_OF_MEM a.s.o, see error.h for the negative values).
now the thousand euro question is, is failure route executed (if set), on all those cases?
No, if t_relay() returns negative, the failure route is not executed (since the transaction was not created in the first place).