On 07/11/13 06:45, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
My focus in the discussion was related to the query -- getting statistics of the sessions, which can be very useful to humans. But also I meant post-processing -- polling those statistics, save them to a backend and then generate reports when needed.
Similar is the way we have the control protocol in kamailio, e.g., 'kamctl stats' just displays what is sent back by kamailio.
Maybe the rtpproxy-ng module should include a similar CLI tool then. One that talks the control protocol to the RTP proxy and outputs the returned data in different formats, plain text, JSON, HTML tables, whatever. I have such scripts ready and can include them in the source. It would also make sense to include other commands in the protocol then, e.g. one that produces a list of all running calls. The "query" command was primarily meant to support the $rtpstat PV, which incidentally I've just remembered that I have left unimplemented, mostly because I don't know what people use it for.
Going faster is good as long as the overall impact is not actually making the overall integration/system more complex.
Anyhow, I wanted to see if there were any strong technical arguments for using bencode or just more like a preference.
No reason other than the performance benefits and no obvious (to me) disadvantages.