It may be better for now to use libcurl gnutls version because tls
module and any other module linked to openssl directly or via other libs
(like libcurl) don't work together.
On 9/25/10 12:57 PM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
El Sat, 25 Sep 2010 12:25:58 +0300
Juha Heinanen<jh(a)> escribió:
i noticed that in debian squeeze, libcurl3-dev
has been replaced by
libcurl4-openssl-dev. perhaps 'libcurl3-dev' in Build-Depends entry of
debian/control should thus be changed to 'libcurl3-dev |
libcurl4-openssl-dev' ?
-- juha
Hi Juha
The libcurl3 dependency remains because there was just one "debian" folder in
the past. Now (at least in kamailio packaging) we have one debian folder per
debian version and should be safe to change libcurl3 for libcurl4 in the
control file.
Anyways, this is not an issue really since libcurl4 "provides" libcurl3:
quenya:/home/manwe# apt-cache show libcurl4-openssl-dev
Package: libcurl4-openssl-dev
Version: 7.21.0-1
Replaces: libcurl-dev, libcurl-ssl-dev, libcurl3-dev (<< 7.14.1-1),
Provides: libcurl-dev, libcurl-ssl-dev, libcurl3-dev,
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