The TLS tutorial on the doc site doesn't seem up to date. "1.1. Overview
TLS is an optional part of the Kamailio's core, not a module. TLS, as defined in the SIP RFC3261, is a mandatory feature for proxys and is used to secure the SIP signalling on a hop-by-hop basis (not end-to-end). TLS works on top of TCP. DTLS, or TLS over UDP is also defined by IETF and may become available in a future release of Kamailio."
To me, it seems like TLS is now only a module. says "This module implements the TLS transport for SIP-router using the OpenSSL library ( To enable the TLS support this module must be loaded and enable_tls=yes must be added to the SIP-router config file"
Maybe we should make a note on "" that the "TLS Tutorial" is now part of the module docs and refer to module docs above. I can't update that page myself.
Thanks, /O