short note that Kamailio v5.8.4 is going to be released today, therefore any commit to branch 5.8 has to be announced on sr-dev mailing list and wait for the ack before pushing it in order to avoid conflicts with release building processes. Once the release announcement is out, commits can be pushed to branch 5.8 as usual.
Cheers, Daniel
On 04.11.24 12:32, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
I am considering to release Kamailio v5.8.4 (out of branch 5.8) sometime next week, most likely on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024. If anyone is aware of issues not yet on the bug tracker, report them there asap in order to have a better chance to be fixed.
Cheers, Daniel
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@ asipto.com) twitter.com/miconda -- linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Consultancy, Training and Development Services -- asipto.com