i built latest master, registered user test@test.fi and tried to call it. result was that lookup failed.
i checked that test@test.fi is property registered:
# sip-proxy_ctl mi ul_show_contact location test@test.fi Contact:: sip:0x9993ce8@;transport=tcp;q=0.5;expires=491;flags=0x0;cflags=0x0;socket=tcp:;methods=0xFFFFFFFF;received=sip:;transport=TCP;user_agent=<baresip v0.4.0 (i586/linux)>
and added xlog to lookup:
if (lookup("location")) { route(FORWARD_TO_CONTACTS); exit; } else { xlog("L_INFO", "lookup on $ru failed with result $rc\n"); };
and got to syslog
Apr 15 09:50:10 sip /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[12199]: INFO: lookup on sip:test@test.fi failed with result -1
any ideas?
-- juha
ps. should ul_show_contact be extended to show also ruid and instance fields, which in this test case would show info?