Hi All,
I have taken the ideas from sip-router/ser/kamailio-3.0.0 regarding the XMLRPC management interface. I have used the ideas and incorporated them into kamailio 1.5 and I was wondering how useful this would be giving back to the community? If there is interest, what is the preferred way to distribute (there are a few minor changes to the core - msg_translator and receive)? I suppose a diff against the 1.5 svn would be the best?
The advantages over the existing XMLRPC interface:
1. multiple processes to serve xmlrpc requests. Effectively, we use the tcp receive threads to process the xmlrpc calls. 2. no dependence on the Abyss server (this is a big plus for me) therefore, better performance and smaller footprint.
ps. my motivation for this is that I had noticed performance issues and memory leaks in the existing mi_xmlrpc module in Kamailio.
Cheers Jason