On Feb 22, 2010 at 21:37, Min Wang wang@basis-audionet.com wrote:
I am trying to compile openims ( make deb) under sip-router.
Here is what I did:
(1) Copy these modules cdp/pcscf etc to modules_osims
(2) Then change Makefile.dirs
modules_dirs= modules modules_s modules_k modules_osims
(3) change pkg/debian/rules:
MDIRS=modules modules_s modules_k modules_osims
And add modules_osims to define PACKAGE_MODULE_INSTALL_template $(MAKE) install-modules-all modules="$(mod)" \ modules_s="" modules_k="" modules_osims="" \ as well
(4) Then make deb, it seems nothing under modules_osims got compiled,
Yes, the deb building by default builds only the "standard" module group, the module groups listed in PACKAGE_GROUPS and the individual modules listed in MODULES_SP.
Then I add modules_osims/cdp etc to ruls file:
MODULES_SP= ... modules_osims/cdp ...
(Not sure if need to add to PACKAGE_GROUPS?)
You could add package groups, but then you need to add a group to the main Makefile (e.g. module_group_osim= cdp pcscf ).
Now the files under modules_osims got compiled, but no seperated
module-deb files generated for those modules.
You need also to add a package entry in debian/control (just copy & paste and existing Package entry and make sure the name matches).
ser_2.99.0-dev01_i386.deb ser-db-modules_2.99.0-dev01_i386.deb .... Inside the ser_2.99.0-dev01_i386.deb there is no moduels from