Thanks for working on this, definitely something interesting to have!
I have a few questions, to figure out what is the best way to integrate.
The patch shows that a new folder `fuzz/` in the root folder of kamailio source tree, with a new file `fuzz_uri.c` that has:
``` #include "../parser/parse_uri.c" ```
But the included file is at `../src/core/parser/parse_uri.c`. Is it part of the fuzzing platform/process to provide the path where to look for files to be included (e.g., to be set in some config or given as cli parameter)?
Does the `fuzz` folder have to be in the root folder of the project?
Then, I assume this is only the start, the patch looks like fuzzing for URI parser, I guess that similar files have to be added for other functions that we want fuzzing for, right?