On 06/24/2009 04:50 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
I would prefer to stick and keep the name as "sip express router" rather than dry "sip router" -- it makes an unique identifier for the project.
"sip express router" gives message that the project is just a new version of ser and does not recognize the work done by lot of people on openser and kamailio. if you want a unique identifier, invent a new one.
I am not eager to find a new one, there is no pressure to release entire project from sip-router.org git repository under new identity, so I was happy with using ser so far and no others complained. SER can be from "sip extensible router" or something else in the middle starting with "E".
Regarding the relevance of contributions based on project name, you have a lot if work done in ser as well, from before the openser fork. Many others have as well and sip router as name does not suggest/recognize better the work of people from different project.
While sip router is ok to preserve in a way or other in the name, there is need for something like a middle name so one can quickly match this project.
When talking with people about sip router, the first project coming in their mind is ser, then is kamailio (openser) (and maybe others), explaining the existence of a third one named exactly "sip router" is kind of awkward and very confusing.