Hi, I'm sorry becvause I did cross-posting to kamailio-dev and sr-dev, so I resend to both maillists
El Viernes, 19 de Febrero de 2010, Klaus Darilion escribió:
I think option 2 would be nice for debugging, as Alice immediately knows that she is blocked and does not have to debug why the subscription does not work.
Of course, from privacy point of view I would also prefer options 1 and 3. IMO option 1 is better. Because with option 3 Alice would think that Bob is really offline, whereas option 1 just signals "nothing" and thus tells Alice that the information is just not available.
Yes, but as I told in kamailio-dev trhead, the problem of option 1 is that it involves "pending" status. A transition from "active" (allowed user) to "pending" (more-or-less blocked) is not possible. Also the pending status expires in the server so Alice would resend the SUBSCRIBE and Bob should ignore it again and again.
Please check the mail I've sent to kamailio-ev a few minutes ago.
Thanks a lot for your help.