GNU GPL FAQ could give us some clues:
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.html (in
Combining work with code released under the GPL part)
Also to be sure we could email FSF.
On 02/18/2013 06:42 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
On 17.02.2013 18:30, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
Hello from North Carolina where SIPit starts tomorrow!
Reading through the docs on the app_* modules I wonder how the GPLv2
is handled here. By default, GPL is sticky, so any module linked in
to Kamailio will be GPL-licensed.
Wasn't the core changed to BSD some time ago? If the core with the
module API description is BSD, then I think modules could have non GPL
licenses too.
If you use a module in kamailio which GPL license, then whole
shares GPL license, even if core is licensed under BSD one.
With app_mono, precompiled binaries are executed within Kamailio, but
not "linked in" to the core. The question here is if we have a clear
distinction here. If someone developes a Kamailio-based appliance and
sells it - would the customer have the right to app_mono modules
under the GPL?
I think as long the the precompiled binary does not need Kamailio
APIs/headers for compilation the mono app should be GPL-free.
Interpreting some code does not make that code needed to be licensed
under GNU GPL (if you do not use any GPL bindings in your program).
If you mix some GPL code within your code, the whole code should be GPL
What about python, java and Lua? I don't
think these environments
precompile, but they still execute within a GPL environment.
Same here. If the script does not refer to any GPL licensed API or
module then it is GPL free.
I think we need a clear statement about this in
the README, like
Asterisk has for AMI/AGI applications.
With AMI the distinction is much more clearer and easier.
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