Indeed, just use a timer route to periodically send OPTIONS to the registrar.
Are you looping outgoing messages also through the registrar? Or does the request to the obp with has 2 Route headers?
Am 25.10.2012 um 21:57 schrieb "Olle E. Johansson"
THanks, Klaus!
The solution was to use a trick by Peter Dunkley in an old mail. I could add another Path header, but could not run msg_apply_changes on that. Instead I forwarded the message to myself and then saved in location database. Now I have to path headers, with the top one pointing to the TCP connection with the received parameter, like you described.
Thanks for explaining the TCP connection matching and your open brainstorm that provided a solution!
The question is now how to get the proxy on the inside of the NAT - also Kamailio - to keep the TCP connection open for a very, very long time :-) But there are many TCP parameters for that. And NAT keepalives. /O