Hello Daniel,
On 05/09/2015 03:56 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
Your message is rather dry in the context of the previous long discussions, so it is hard to troubleshoot such a report.
Yes, I know. It is not a choice of attitude on my part, but rather a reflection of the constraints I myself face.
Can you provide details what version are you running now?
I am running git 4.2:2421e0b987119c083bd5cebe754ae8c97ebfa867.
Also, how often it happens, any error messages before it happens?
Oddly enough, no; at some point, call processing just stalls. It doesn't always completely stall, sometimes there is a trickle of call processing messages, and those look more or less normal. It's just a great reduction from the previous activity. This state of affairs lasts for a few minutes, until Kamailio is restarted manually by someone.
Do you suspend more than one time the transaction?
Might not be the case, but if you use locking functions exposed by htable module, there was a recent fix for them.
I do not use those.
The general life cycle of an outbound INVITE in this installation is that AAA is done in the main SIP worker, including digest challenge authentication, which is used heavily in this installation. I have also previously encountered crash bugs when using this challenge scenario:
t_lookup_request(); # For nonce replay protection.
if(!auth_check("$Ri", "subscriber", "1")) { auth_challenge("$Ri", "1"); t_release(); exit; }
... anyway, after this step, the transaction is t_suspended() (once), the index and label are loaded onto an mqueue, and this is consumed in one of several rtimer processes which consume the mqueue nearly continuously (interval 50000u). There, the transaction is t_continued() and all remaining call processing, including forking for failover, is performed there.
-- Alex
-- Alex