In cfg/cfg_ctx.c : 888 there is the definition of the function cfg_get_by_name which gets called in case of a "sercmd cfg.get" command
... if (var->def->on_change_cb) { /* The variable cannot be retrieved, because the fixup function may have changed it, and it is better to return an error than an incorrect value */ return 1; } ...
The "problem" is that if a use a fixup callback(or a on_change callback) , this function returns an error and the value cannot be read anymore via sercmd. What is the best way to proceed in this case? I am currently working on the modules_k/registrar module and if STATISTICS are used (default in kamailio build), I need to register some callbacks to be called when sercmd cfg.set_now_int (set_delayed_int) are called so I update kamailio's statistics framework with the new values passed from ser cfg framework. (for example min_expires, max_expires and others)
Is there a way for the cfg framework to specify that the callback doesn't change the value (like in the case above)?
Any ideas welcome.
Cheers Marius