Jan Janak writes:
Could you try to figure out which query is generating this error? There is a debug statement commented out on line 95 of km_dbase.c in db_mysql module, please, uncomment it and try again, it should print the query that generates this error in syslog.
i uncommented the dbg message and changed it to info. looks like the problem may have something to do with msilo module. when ua registers, it is checked from db if there are some pending messages for it.
-- juha
Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20251]: INFO: xlog [xlog.c:186]: INFO: REGISTER sip:jh@test.fi by jh@test.fi from <> is authorized Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20251]: INFO: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:98]: submit_query(): update location set expires='2009-06-04 13:57:45',q=0.50 ,cseq=441,flags=0,cflags=0,user_agent='Twinkle/1.4.2',received=NULL,path=NULL,socket='',methods=6111,last_modified='2009-06-04 12:57:45' where username='jh' AND contact='sip:jh_test_fi@;transport=udp' AND callid='ysunsysgskxufqy@localhost' AND domain='test.fi' Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20283]: INFO: xlog [xlog.c:186]: INFO: REGISTER sip:test@test.fi by test@test.fi from <> is authorized Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20283]: INFO: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:98]: submit_query(): insert into location (username,contact,expires,q,callid,cseq,flags,cflags,user_agent,received,path,socket,methods,last_modified,domain ) values ('test','sip:test@;transport=tcp','2009-06-04 13:57:45',0.50 ,'xtbkpufsizzylnl@localhost',116,0,0,'Twinkle/1.4.2',NULL,NULL,'',6111,'2009-06-04 12:57:45','test.fi') Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20251]: INFO: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:98]: submit_query(): select id,src_addr,dst_addr,body,ctype,inc_time from silo where username='jh' AND domain='test.fi' AND snd_time=0 order by id Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20283]: INFO: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:98]: submit_query(): select id,src_addr,dst_addr,body,ctype,inc_time from silo where username='test' AND domain='test.fi' AND snd_time=0 order by id Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20283]: ERROR: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:119]: driver error on query: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now Jun 4 12:57:45 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[20283]: ERROR: <core> [db_query.c:101]: error while submitting query