2011/12/28 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com
An ugly client sends us a request with a malformed P-Asserted-Identity as follows:
Note that it's an *invalid* header. But Kamailio "allows" it and the request arrives to the GW. But the GW drops the request due to the malformed header so it sends NO reply at all. Then timeout occurs in the client transaction and failure_route block is called in which I call to defunct_gw().
check the headers you are forwarding to your gws.
There is no way to detect a header like I meant:
Kamailio parser does not detect such header as "P-Asserted-Identity".
Also, it's unfeasible that a proxy checks the syntax of all the headers. Typically a proxy just cares about some few headers.
also, you can count the number of failures yourself by using htable, for example, and not defunct your gw based on the first failure.
So the attacker should just send 5 malformed requests rather than one.
further, you could define a timed route, and based on the htable, ping your gws.
Right, but is failure_route executed for those locally sent requests? I must check it.
Conclusion: an attacker could dissable my gws just by sending a simple malformed request. I strongly miss the monitorization feature in the old LCR module.
my conclusion is as it was before: keep lcr module simple and do monitoring separately. it might be possible to include a mi command to manage defunct time of a gw, but i'm not sure about it, because currently the tables may not include enough info to pinpoint a particular gw.
IMHO that's due to the design of the tables in LCR module. IMHO there should be a table just with gws definition (without containing the lcr_id field). It would make easier the management for cases like the present (just my opinion).
-- Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net