currently avpops module is blacklisted from compilation. While
module_k/avpops compiles, modules_s/avpops doesn't.
If I add avpops in include_modules, compilation stops when it gets to
Adding modules_k/avpos to include_modules do not help? Ideas?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
when i try to use my kamailio.cfg with sip-router, the first place where
it fails is this:
sip-router says that the config var is unknown.
sip-router core cookbook lists the variable, but does not say anything
about it.
is there a replacement or what should i do about it?
-- juha
after my debian package was built, i noticed that it contained the following
ser related files that still need some action:
-rwxr-xr-x root/root 27708 2009-05-28 20:12 ./usr/sbin/sercmd
-rwxr-xr-x root/root 13509 2009-05-28 20:12 ./usr/sbin/ser_mysql.sh
-rw-r--r-- root/root 1490 2009-05-28 20:12 ./usr/share/man/man8/ser.8.gz
-rw-r--r-- root/root 630 2009-05-28 20:12 ./usr/share/man/man5/ser.cfg.5.gz
-- juha
for xVIM fans, here is attached a syntax file for SIP Router config
file. It is refurbished from an old openser syntax file, updated with
latest config language rules.
It is still missing the 'select' definition, I had no time to search for
the regexp that matches its format, maybe a ser developer can give it
quicker. Of course, it can take other improvement, please feel free to
contribute. If there are many users, we can keep it inside the source
tree, somewhere in the scripts dir.
Probably most of you know, but for newbees:
- place the ser.vim in your home directory under ".vim/syntax/"
- when you edit the config file with vim, run "setf ser"
You can add rules in vim config to auto-detect -- see google for that --
skipping in this way setf command each time you edit a config.
Hope some of you enjoy it,
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
" -*- vim -*-
" FILE: ser.vim
" LAST MODIFICATION: 2009-05-28 18:30
" (C) Copyright 2008 Stanisław Pitucha <viraptor(a)gmail.com>
" (C) Copyright 2009 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)gmail.com>
" Version: 1.01
" Save this file to $VIMFILES/syntax/ser.vim. Either add a detection
" script to filetypes.vim, or set filetype manually to "ser" when
" editing SIP Router configuration file with 'setf ser'.
" List of keyword and core functions taken from latest dev version of
" SIP Router. Module functions not included.
" Tested only on vim 7.1
" Example: "setf ser"
" vim (>= 7)
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match serConfigParamLine '^[^=]\+=.*$' contains=serCoreParameter,serString,serConfigConstant,serSpecial,serNumber,serCppComment,serHashComment
syn region serConfigModparam start='^\s*modparam\s*(' end=')' contains=serString,serNumber
syn match serConfigModule '^\s*loadmodule\s*"[^"]\+"' contains=serString
syn keyword serTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
syn match serOperator '!\|&&\|||\|=[~=]\?\|>\|<\|+\|-\|/\|\*\||\|&\|^\|\~\|defined\|eq\|ieq\|ne\|ine' display contained
syn region serCppComment start='/\*' end='\*/' contains=serTodo
syn match serHashComment '#.*$' contains=serTodo
syn match serStringEscape '\\.' contained
syn match serNumber '[0-9]\+' contained
syn region serString matchgroup=Normal start='"' skip='\\"' end='"' contained contains=serVariable,serStringEscape
syn match serVariable "$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\(([^)]\+)\)\?" contained
syn match serIdentifier '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*' contained
syn keyword serStatement route if else switch case default break exit return drop while contained
syn keyword serSpecial yes no on off true false enabled disabled contained
syn keyword serCoreKeyword af dst_ip dst_port from_uri method msg:len proto status snd_af snd_ip snd_port snd_proto src_ip src_port to_af to_ip to_port to_proto to_uri uri uri:host uri:port contained
syn keyword serCoreValue udp UDP tcp TCP tls TLS sctp SCTP inet INET inet6 INET6 sslv23 SSLv23 SSLV23 sslv2 SSLv2 SSLV2 sslv3 SSLv3 SSLV3 tlsv1 TLSv1 TLSV1 max_len myself contained
syn keyword serCoreFunction forward forward_tcp forward_udp forward_tls forward_sctp send send_tcp log error exec force_rport add_rport force_tcp_alias add_tcp_alias udp_mtu udp_mtu_try_proto setflag resetflag isflagset flags bool setavpflag resetavpflag isavpflagset avpflags rewritehost sethost seth rewritehostport sethostport sethp rewritehostporttrans sethostporttrans sethpt rewriteuser setuser setu rewriteuserpass setuserpass setup rewriteport setport setp rewriteuri seturi revert_uri prefix strip strip_tail userphone append_branch set_advertised_address set_advertised_port force_send_socket contained
syn keyword serCoreParameter debug fork log_stderror log_facility listen alias auto_aliases dns rev_dns dns_try_ipv6 dns_try_naptr dns_srv_lb dns_srv_loadbalancing dns_udp_pref dns_udp_preference dns_tcp_pref dns_tcp_preference dns_tls_pref dns_tls_preference dns_sctp_pref dns_sctp_preference dns_retr_time dns_retr_no dns_servers_no dns_use_search_list dns_search_full_match dns_cache_init use_dns_cache use_dns_failover dns_cache_flags dns_cache_negative_ttl dns_cache_min_ttl dns_cache_max_ttl dns_cache_mem dns_cache_gc_interval dns_cache_del_nonexp dns_cache_delete_nonexpired dst_blacklist_init use_dst_blacklist dst_blacklist_mem dst_blacklist_expire dst_blacklist_ttl dst_blacklist_gc_interval port statistics maxbuffer children check_via phone2tel syn_branch memlog mem_log memdbg mem_dbg sip_warning server_signature reply_to_via user uid group gid chroot workdir wdir mhomed disable_tcp tcp_children tcp_accept_aliases tcp_send_timeout tcp_connect_timeout tcp_connection_lifetime tcp_poll_method tcp_max_connections tcp_no_connect tcp_source_ipv4 tcp_source_ipv6 tcp_fd_cache tcp_buf_write tcp_async tcp_conn_wq_max tcp_wq_max tcp_rd_buf_size tcp_wq_blk_size tcp_defer_accept tcp_delayed_ack tcp_syncnt tcp_linger2 tcp_keepalive tcp_keepidle tcp_keepintvl tcp_keepcnt tcp_crlf_ping disable_tls tls_disable enable_tls tls_enable tlslog tls_log tls_port_no tls_method tls_verify tls_require_certificate tls_certificate tls_private_key tls_ca_list tls_handshake_timeout tls_send_timeout disable_sctp enable_sctp sctp_children sctp_socket_rcvbuf sctp_socket_receive_buffer sctp_socket_sndbuf sctp_socket_send_buffer sctp_autoclose sctp_send_ttl sctp_send_retries advertised_address advertised_port disable_core_dump open_files_limit shm_force_alloc mlock_pages real_time rt_prio rt_policy rt_timer1_prio rt_fast_timer_prio rt_ftimer_prio rt_timer1_policy rt_ftimer_policy rt_timer2_prio rt_stimer_prio rt_timer2_policy rt_stimer_policy mcast_loopback mcast_ttl tos pmtu_discovery exit_timeout ser_kill_timeout max_while_loops stun_refresh_interval stun_allow_stun stun_allow_fp server_id description descr desc loadpath mpath contained
syn region serBlock start='{' end='}' contained contains=serBlock,@serCodeElements
syn match serRouteBlock '\(failure_\|onreply_\|branch_\|event_\|onsend_\)\?route\(\s*\[[^\]]\+\]\)\?' contained contains=serNumber,serString,serIdentifier
syn region serRrouteBlockFold matchgroup=serRouteBlock start="\(failure_\|onreply_\|branch_\|event_\|onsend_\)\?route\(\s*\[[^\]]\+\]\)\?\s*\n\?{" matchgroup=NONE end="}" contains=serBlock,@serCodeElements
syn cluster serCodeElements contains=serCppComment,serHashComment,serNumber,serString,serVariable,serOperator,serStatement,serKeyword,serCoreKeyword,serCoreValue,serCoreFunction,serIdentifier
hi def link serCppComment Comment
hi def link serHashComment Comment
hi def link serTodo Todo
hi def link serConfigModparam Function
hi def link serConfigModule Keyword
hi def link serKeyword Keyword
hi def link serCoreKeyword Special
hi def link serCoreValue Special
hi def link serCoreFunction Function
hi def link serRouteBlock Type
hi def link serRrouteBlockFold Type
hi def link serIdentifier Identifier
hi def link serSpecial Special
hi def link serCoreParameter Keyword
hi def link serOperator Operator
hi def link serStatement Conditional
hi def link serNumber Number
hi def link serVariable Identifier
hi def link serString String
hi def link serStringEscape Special
let b:current_syntax = "ser"
Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: c9c181f8b5ee63f176fad577bc89314ffd261d8e
URL: http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=c9c181f…
Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)gmail.com>
Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri May 29 14:02:20 2009 +0300
core: load_module - updated function docs
sr_module.c | 11 +++++++----
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sr_module.c b/sr_module.c
index e1da688..81ef9b3 100644
--- a/sr_module.c
+++ b/sr_module.c
@@ -243,11 +243,14 @@ static inline int version_control(void *handle, char *path)
/** load a sr module.
- * tries to load the module specified by path.
- * If modname does contain a '/' or a '.' it would be assumed to contain a
- * path to the module and it will be used as give.
- * else <MODS_DIR>/<modname>.so will be tried and if this fails
+ * tries to load the module specified by mod_path.
+ * If mod_path is 'modname' or 'modname.so' then
+ * <MODS_DIR>/<modname>.so will be tried and if this fails
* <MODS_DIR>/<modname>/<modname>.so
+ * If mod_path contain a '/' it is assumed to be the
+ * path to the module and tried first. If fails and mod_path is not
+ * absolute path (not starting with '/') then will try:
+ * <MODS_DIR>/mod_path
* @param modname - path or module name
* @return 0 on success , <0 on error