Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 4490351bdea670fe407f67649fba4f900110c56f
Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)>
Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)>
Date: Mon Sep 28 21:42:28 2009 +0200
snmpstats(k): updated enterprise number
- IANA assignment for is 34352
modules_k/snmpstats/mibs/OPENSER-REG-MIB | 50 +++++++++++++++---------------
modules_k/snmpstats/snmpstats_globals.h | 2 +-
2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules_k/snmpstats/mibs/OPENSER-REG-MIB b/modules_k/snmpstats/mibs/OPENSER-REG-MIB
index 7f32dd8..3a1b41e 100644
--- a/modules_k/snmpstats/mibs/OPENSER-REG-MIB
+++ b/modules_k/snmpstats/mibs/OPENSER-REG-MIB
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- *******************************************************************
--- OPENSER-REG-MIB: OpenSER Global Registration MIB file
+-- OPENSER-REG-MIB: Kamailio Global Registration MIB file
-- Date of Creation: March 2006
-- Mike Varley
@@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ IMPORTS
openserRegMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY
- LAST-UPDATED "200702150430Z"
+ LAST-UPDATED "200909280430Z"
- " open source project."
+ " open source project."
- "OpenSER Global Registration MIB"
+ "Kamailio Global Registration MIB"
- REVISION "200702150430Z"
+ REVISION "200909280430Z"
- "Moved the OpenSER MIBs from the experimental branch to the IANA
- assigned enterprise branch 27483"
+ "Moved the Kamailio MIBs from the experimental branch to the IANA
+ assigned enterprise branch 34352"
REVISION "200603211200Z"
- "Initial OpenSER Mib Release"
+ "Initial Kamailio Mib Release"
::= { openserModules 1 }
-- top level enterprise identification
STATUS current
- "The IANA has assigned enterprise branch 27483 to OpenSER."
- ::= { enterprises 27483 }
+ "The IANA has assigned enterprise branch 34352 to Kamailio."
+ ::= { enterprises 34352 }
-- namespace management sub-trees
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ openserReg OBJECT-IDENTITY
openserGeneric OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
- "Sub-tree for objects and events common to OpenSER products."
+ "Sub-tree for objects and events common to Kamailio products."
::= { openser 2 }
openserProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
- "Sub-tree for objects and events for specific OpenSER products and modules."
+ "Sub-tree for objects and events for specific Kamailio products and modules."
::= { openser 3 }
-- Agent implementation profiles: Agents which implement the product MIBs
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ openserPlugins OBJECT-IDENTITY
-- Generic Sub-tree: currently there are no generic object or event definitions
--- for the openSER group.
+-- for the Kamailio group.
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ openserPlugins OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
- "Sub-tree for all objects and events related to the core OpenSER MIBs"
+ "Sub-tree for all objects and events related to the core Kamailio MIBs"
::= { openserProducts 1 }
STATUS current
- "Sub-tree for all objects and events related to plugins for OpenSER."
+ "Sub-tree for all objects and events related to plugins for Kamailio."
::= { openserProducts 2 }
@@ -152,21 +152,21 @@ openserPluginMIB OBJECT-IDENTITY
-- openserRegMibModule ::= { openserModules 1 } is this files MODULE-IDENTITY
--- The Text Conventions used by the OpenSER product tree.
+-- The Text Conventions used by the Kamailio product tree.
openserTcModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { openserModules 2 }
--- The OpenSER version of the SIP-COMMON-MIB.
+-- The Kamailio version of the SIP-COMMON-MIB.
openserSIPCommonModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { openserModules 3 }
--- The OpenSER version of the SIP-SERVER-MIB.
+-- The Kamailio version of the SIP-SERVER-MIB.
openserSIPServerModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { openserModules 4 }
--- The OpenSER MIB Module, containing internal statistics and state
+-- The Kamailio MIB Module, containing internal statistics and state
-- information.
openserModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { openserModules 5 }
--- Plugin Module Registrations: add any OpenSER plugin MIB Module registrations
+-- Plugin Module Registrations: add any Kamailio plugin MIB Module registrations
-- here, under openserPlugins.
@@ -178,25 +178,25 @@ openserModule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { openserModules 5 }
STATUS current
- "The OpenSER version of the SIP-COMMON-MIB. All objects and events are
+ "The Kamailio version of the SIP-COMMON-MIB. All objects and events are
defined under this branch."
::= { openserCoreMIB 1 }
STATUS current
- "The OpenSER version of the SIP-SERVER-MIB. All objects and events are
+ "The Kamailio version of the SIP-SERVER-MIB. All objects and events are
defined under this branch."
::= { openserCoreMIB 2 }
STATUS current
- "The OpenSER MIB object and event definitons."
+ "The Kamailio MIB object and event definitons."
::= { openserCoreMIB 3 }
--- Product Plugin MIBs: add any specific OpenSER plugin MIBs here, under
+-- Product Plugin MIBs: add any specific Kamailio plugin MIBs here, under
-- openserPluginMIB
diff --git a/modules_k/snmpstats/snmpstats_globals.h b/modules_k/snmpstats/snmpstats_globals.h
index 7929374..5e12df4 100644
--- a/modules_k/snmpstats/snmpstats_globals.h
+++ b/modules_k/snmpstats/snmpstats_globals.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "../../sr_module.h"
-#define OPENSER_OID 1,3,6,1,4,1,27483
+#define OPENSER_OID 1,3,6,1,4,1,34352
* Textual Conventions for BITS types - begins
Hello everybody,
If we ever want to proceed to merging individual modules, we will need
to address differences in our database schemas, because many modules
depend on them. I would like to start the discussion off, so I
prepared an initial proposal for the merge. You can find the HTML
version of the document here:
Plain text version of the document is attached to this e-mail. It is a
long document (90k) and you don't have to read it all. The document
consists of two major parts.
In section "Concepts" I have tried to describe some of the techniques
and concepts we use in the new SER database schema. I only described
things that we do differently now than Kamailio or older SER versions.
I also tried to work in a bit of historic perspective so that we know
how things evolved, what worked and what didn't and so on.
In the second part of the document I went through all SER and Kamailio
tables and tried to capture everything that came to my mind regarding
differences, merge proposals, purpose of the tables, and so on. For
most table I also tried to write down an initial merge proposal along
compatibility considerations.
I classified all the tables from both schemas into five groups:
* Easy tables: Tables in this group are very easy to marge, usually
no changes are required.
* UID tables: This is a group of tables where we might need to do
small changes in the table defintion
mainly related to UIDs (unique user identifiers)--if we decide to
use them in sip-router.
* Other tables: A bunch of tables where we need to be careful with merging.
* Undecided tables: I have no opinion on tables from this group yet,
usually because I do not understand
what are they really used for.
* serweb tables: SER database schema has a number of tables that
only serweb uses.
Please note that this is nothing more than an initial draft proposal
and as such it is likely to be biased towards SER database schema.
Also the language in the document is not as polished as it should be
and there are parts that are probably hard to read, I haven't had the
time to edit it yet, I'm sorry.
It would be really great if we could discuss at least part of it at
the next meeting in Berlin and if people think that we should proceed
with this type of work then we can perhaps start merging some of the
easy tables. I also prepared a presentation for the stuff in section
"Concepts", it takes about 30 minutes and if we have a slot on the
agenda then I would like to present it.
Hopefully the document will be useful, I welcome any feedback or questions!
The following task has a new comment added:
FS#16 - Local 487 forwarded upstream
User who did this - Nils Ohlmeier (nils)
Unfortunately I do not have a pcap trace from this.
But I remember that the 487 came pretty late, so if the timer for this by default is just 5s, please go ahead and close it.
More information can be found at the following URL:
You are receiving this message because you have requested it from the Flyspray bugtracking system. If you did not expect this message or don't want to receive mails in future, you can change your notification settings at the URL shown above.
Hello all,
I have done some modification in my ser.cfg. And when I decided to
restart, it failed.
Here the output from "messages" :
Sep 3 06:44:57 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: Maxfwd module-
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: permissions -
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: Default allow file
(/usr/local/etc/ser/permissions.allow) not found => empty rule set
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: Default deny file
(/usr/local/etc/ser/permissions.deny) not found => empty rule set
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: AVPops - initializing
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: CHECK_UA - initializing
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: convert_row(): No
memory left
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: convert_rows(): Error
while converting row #4207
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: convert_result(): Error
while converting rows
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: store_result(): Error
while converting result
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: preload_udomain():
Error while doing db_query
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: register_udomain():
Error while preloading domain 'location'
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: domain_fixup(): Error
while registering domain
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: ERROR: fix_expr :
fix_actions error
Sep 3 06:44:58 solo /usr/local/sbin/ser[23168]: CHECK_UA - destroing
I had thinking that my modification were bad, so I leaved them. But SER
failed again with the same output.
I put some comments before the lines which used "check_ua" module, and
then it worked ! I had never experience a problem with "check_ua" before
Can someone help me to understand why it failed ?
andrei 2009/09/24 23:04:56 CEST
SER CVS Repository
Modified files: (Branch: rel_0_9_0)
modules/auth_db authorize.c
auth_db: fixed bug introduced in 0.9.7
- fixed bug introduced with SUPPORT_EMPTY_USERNAMES
(SUPPORT_EMPTY_USERNAMES was an optimization backported from a
pre 2.1 version, unfortunately the initial version had a bug and
the bug fix did not get backported)
Revision Changes Path +6 -3 sip_router/modules/auth_db/authorize.c…
Revision: 5926
Author: miconda
Date: 2009-09-24 18:37:43 +0000 (Thu, 24 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
- setting of brach flags for sip nat pinging
Modified Paths:
This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site.
Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: cf593d2fd64bcc6a04526beaa228b028e065d304
Author: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei(a)>
Committer: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei(a)>
Date: Thu Sep 24 18:20:54 2009 +0200
mi_rpc: doc update
- async mi commands supported
- added the list of the various rpc mi commands versions (mi,
mi_dg, mi_xmlrpc and mi_fifo).
modules/mi_rpc/README | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
modules/mi_rpc/doc/mi_rpc_admin.xml | 37 ++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/mi_rpc/README b/modules/mi_rpc/README
index d2d0fff..5739c28 100644
--- a/modules/mi_rpc/README
+++ b/modules/mi_rpc/README
@@ -18,55 +18,84 @@ Daniel-Constantin Mierla
1. Admin Guide
- 1.1. Overview
- 1.2. Dependencies
+ 1. Overview
+ 2. Dependencies
- 1.2.1. Kamailio Modules
- 1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications
+ 2.1. Kamailio Modules
+ 2.2. External Libraries or Applications
- 1.3. Exported Parameters
- 1.4. Exported Functions
- 1.5. Exported RPC commands
+ 3. Exported Parameters
+ 4. Exported Functions
+ 5. Exported RPC commands
- 1.5.1. mi
+ 5.1. mi mi_dg mi_fifo mi_xmlrpc
Chapter 1. Admin Guide
-1.1. Overview
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Overview
+ 2. Dependencies
+ 2.1. Kamailio Modules
+ 2.2. External Libraries or Applications
+ 3. Exported Parameters
+ 4. Exported Functions
+ 5. Exported RPC commands
+ 5.1. mi mi_dg mi_fifo mi_xmlrpc
+1. Overview
The module exports a RPC command to execute MI commands.
The other way around not implemented (MI command to execute RPC) -- to
- be investigated if worth the effort. Also, execution of asynchronous MI
- command is not yet supported.
+ be investigated if worth the effort.
+2. Dependencies
-1.2. Dependencies
+ 2.1. Kamailio Modules
+ 2.2. External Libraries or Applications
-1.2.1. Kamailio Modules
+2.1. Kamailio Modules
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
* No dependencies on other Kamailio modules.
-1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications
+2.2. External Libraries or Applications
The following libraries or applications must be installed before
running Kamailio with this module loaded:
* None.
-1.3. Exported Parameters
+3. Exported Parameters
-1.4. Exported Functions
+4. Exported Functions
-1.5. Exported RPC commands
+5. Exported RPC commands
+ 5.1. mi mi_dg mi_fifo mi_xmlrpc
-1.5.1. mi
+5.1. mi mi_dg mi_fifo mi_xmlrpc
Execute a MI command.
+ Depending on the version (e.g. mi, mi_dg) it formats the output in a
+ similar way to the corresponding kamailio mi module:
+ * mi - uses a special, "pretty" format which generates nicer (more
+ readable) output when used with sercmd.
+ * mi_dg - uses an output format similar to the kamailio mi_datagram
+ module.
+ * mi_fifo - uses an output format similar to the kamailio mi_fifo
+ module.
+ * mi_xmlrpc - uses an output format similar to the kamailio mi_xmlrpc
+ module.
Name: mi
@@ -77,8 +106,6 @@ Chapter 1. Admin Guide
Example using 'sercmd':
sercmd> mi uptime
-200 OK
-+ Now:: Sun Jun 28 12:45:37 2009
-+ Up since:: Sun Jun 28 12:24:27 2009
-+ Up time:: 1270 [sec]
+Now:: Thu Sep 24 18:17:15 2009
+Up since:: Thu Sep 24 17:35:45 2009
+Up time:: 2490 [sec]
diff --git a/modules/mi_rpc/doc/mi_rpc_admin.xml b/modules/mi_rpc/doc/mi_rpc_admin.xml
index 98b7987..514ddd6 100644
--- a/modules/mi_rpc/doc/mi_rpc_admin.xml
+++ b/modules/mi_rpc/doc/mi_rpc_admin.xml
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
The other way around not implemented (MI command to execute RPC)
- -- to be investigated if worth the effort. Also, execution of
- asynchronous MI command is not yet supported.
+ -- to be investigated if worth the effort.
@@ -69,11 +68,37 @@
<function moreinfo="none">mi</function>
+ <function moreinfo="none">mi_dg</function>
+ <function moreinfo="none">mi_fifo</function>
+ <function moreinfo="none">mi_xmlrpc</function>
Execute a MI command.
+ Depending on the version (e.g. mi, mi_dg) it formats the output in a
+ similar way to the corresponding kamailio mi module:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <function>mi</function> - uses a special, "pretty" format
+ which generates nicer (more readable) output when used with
+ sercmd.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <function>mi_dg</function> - uses an output format similar to
+ the kamailio mi_datagram module.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <function>mi_fifo</function> - uses an output format similar
+ to the kamailio mi_fifo module.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <function>mi_xmlrpc</function> - uses an output format similar
+ to the kamailio mi_xmlrpc module.
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
Name: <emphasis>mi</emphasis>
@@ -90,11 +115,9 @@
<programlisting format="linespecific">
sercmd> mi uptime
-200 OK
-+ Now:: Sun Jun 28 12:45:37 2009
-+ Up since:: Sun Jun 28 12:24:27 2009
-+ Up time:: 1270 [sec]
+Now:: Thu Sep 24 18:17:15 2009
+Up since:: Thu Sep 24 17:35:45 2009
+Up time:: 2490 [sec]