Kamailio Project uses GitHub Issues only for bugs in the code or feature requests. Please use this template only for bug reports.
If you have questions about using Kamailio or related to its configuration file, ask on sr-users mailing list:
* https://lists.kamailio.org/mailman3/postorius/lists/sr-users.lists.kamailio…
If you have questions about developing extensions to Kamailio or its existing C code, ask on sr-dev mailing list:
* https://lists.kamailio.org/mailman3/postorius/lists/sr-dev.lists.kamailio.o…
Please try to fill this template as much as possible for any issue. It helps the developers to troubleshoot the issue.
Note that an issue report may be closed automatically after about 2 months
if there is no interest from developers or community users on pursuing it, being
considered expired. In such case, it can be reopened by writing a comment that includes
the token `/notexpired`. About two weeks before considered expired, the issue is
marked with the label `stale`, trying to notify the submitter and everyone else
that might be interested in it. To remove the label `stale`, write a comment that
includes the token `/notstale`. Also, any comment postpone the `expire` timeline,
being considered that there is interest in pursuing the issue.
If there is no content to be filled in a section, the entire section can be removed.
You can delete the comments from the template sections when filling.
You can delete next line and everything above before submitting (it is a comment).
### Description
Explain what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.
Tried to verify a dubious JWT, but I get a token decoding error. I tried different variations of the key, such as `.pem`, `.key` extensions, `PKCS1`, `PKCS8` formats, reading the key from a variable or file.
### Troubleshooting
#### Reproduction
If the issue can be reproduced, describe how it can be done.
Have the following Kamailio config:
loadmodule "jwt.so"
modparam("jwt", "key_mode", 0)
$var(authorization_header_value) = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiYmQ1NzlhZTYyZjg2ODE5N2I5OTk1YTFkOWM4NGZkOGFiNWIyYWI4Nzk5YzM0OWVmYjBkNjg1NWFiNDcwYWUzOTYyMzFmYzc5NjIxZDQxODciLCJpYXQiOjE3MjkxODU3MTguNjQxMjI1LCJuYmYiOjE3MjkxODU3MTguNjQxMjI";
$var(jwt_verification) = jwt_verify("/etc/kamailio/oauth_pub.pem", "RS256",
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
#### Debugging Data
If you got a core dump, use gdb to extract troubleshooting data - full backtrace,
local variables and the list of the code at the issue location.
gdb /path/to/kamailio /path/to/corefile
bt full
info locals
If you are familiar with gdb, feel free to attach more of what you consider to
be relevant.
(paste your debugging data here)
#### Log Messages
Check the syslog file and if there are relevant log messages printed by Kamailio, add them next, or attach to issue, or provide a link to download them (e.g., to a pastebin site).
[jwt_mod.c:501]: ki_jwt_verify_key(): failed to decode jwt value
#### SIP Traffic
If the issue is exposed by processing specific SIP messages, grab them with ngrep or save in a pcap file, then add them next, or attach to issue, or provide a link to download them (e.g., to a pastebin site).
(paste your sip traffic here)
### Possible Solutions
If you found a solution or workaround for the issue, describe it. Ideally, provide a pull request with a fix.
I've wrote a C++ program using `libjwt` to make sure the issue is not neither my key, nor `libjwt`. And they aren't. Here is the program:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <jwt.h>
static const char jwt_test[] = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.E_6jsC7yxPZgHRry55J0oOBzw25tvlfnWRBqSwLVFeAtavkVrYGmH9BGaByaAhebKNijy2WUg1X8Ug0N9Z9cc3P8u2wDSlvlzTNrxnPqdxMrKtP5wiIbImXboobFqKXLRmbor_9I7r0lBlX-e0xSis-PTaBqH40hDYPj0rR5cqnrszSkEMd2jFdiLL5BoF0pqysvrXA631KKA9oHGzAivib_GOddHeUOAVs7-hMVdnDqgrzZ6lDYkQndutrHpwILZWz09ngJBbRh_mN_cE4dDxghgeSotXADT-h5DlokV8ChkgkmHh6m4gU2lvnb7aY9dbCp9R44T1Rpz1P_HhPQ27p1Sgin40Oc2abBwDePw_chl0ajJHuhJCiK7YHbcmzcv3dZ-igVMYpMqhGIlyyuAHCSrKFVFLhodA1xlyCmMqJfFPOZ6DdKzbAQDWPN2xsCMy7WkGT5KmBQR5wWJRIRbTj4OUWo6iUrQdNyjB0F1RKqkuZlz414Hj0tkS5GlS1rfxOtS4yc2m_ERGomSmpDgoq2zpA5o3oJJWXqA7TzT8X_9Up5DkVQCMGW6Z2OT9Sr8hNjIXB1qgYiiZtNf9_b4bma5JEwVvR2-qcZ92V6owFTYx78smdyOgAaMlBQ_9AM6kARz4ZnC3Mz2feJT2qKLP-z9senqIB8k_xNx2lbU2w";
static unsigned char key[16384];
static size_t key_len;
static void read_key(const char *key_file)
FILE *fp = fopen(key_file, "r");
int ret = 0;
fp = fopen(key_file, "r");
key_len = fread(key, 1, sizeof(key), fp);
key[key_len] = '\0';
int main()
jwt_t *jwt = NULL;
int ret = 0;
ret = jwt_decode(&jwt, jwt_test, key, key_len);
printf("Decoding exit status: %d\n", ret);
printf("User ID: %s\n", jwt_get_grant(jwt, "sub"));
return 0;
### Additional Information
* **Kamailio Version** - output of `kamailio -v`
version: kamailio 5.8.2 (x86_64/linux) 3fa5f4
poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
id: 3fa5f4
compiled on 10:39:56 Jun 12 2024 with gcc 8.5.0
* **Operating System**:
Details about the operating system, the type: Linux (e.g.,: Debian 8.4, Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7.1, ...), MacOS, xBSD, Solaris, ...;
Kernel details (output of `lsb_release -a` and `uname -a`)
Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian)
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<!-- Kamailio Pull Request Template -->
- for detailed contributing guidelines, read:
- pull requests must be done to master branch, unless they are backports
of fixes from master branch to a stable branch
- backports to stable branches must be done with 'git cherry-pick -x ...'
- code is contributed under BSD for core and main components (tm, sl, auth, tls)
- code is contributed GPLv2 or a compatible license for the other components
- GPL code is contributed with OpenSSL licensing exception
#### Pre-Submission Checklist
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick all the checkboxes that apply -->
<!-- All points should be verified, otherwise, read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines from above-->
<!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask on sr-dev mailing list -->
- [x] Commit message has the format required by CONTRIBUTING guide
- [x] Commits are split per component (core, individual modules, libs, utils, ...)
- [x] Each component has a single commit (if not, squash them into one commit)
- [x] No commits to README files for modules (changes must be done to docbook files
in `doc/` subfolder, the README file is autogenerated)
#### Type Of Change
- [x] Small bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds new functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would change existing functionality)
#### Checklist:
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick the checkboxes that apply -->
- [ ] PR should be backported to stable branches
- [x] Tested changes locally
#### Description
don't reinvent the wheel and just use core macro
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* rtpengine: use core STR_EQ macro
-- File Changes --
M src/modules/rtpengine/rtpengine.c (11)
M src/modules/rtpengine/rtpengine_hash.c (34)
-- Patch Links --
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Message ID: <kamailio/kamailio/pull/4004(a)github.com>
<!-- Kamailio Pull Request Template -->
- for detailed contributing guidelines, read:
- pull requests must be done to master branch, unless they are backports
of fixes from master branch to a stable branch
- backports to stable branches must be done with 'git cherry-pick -x ...'
- code is contributed under BSD for core and main components (tm, sl, auth, tls)
- code is contributed GPLv2 or a compatible license for the other components
- GPL code is contributed with OpenSSL licensing exception
#### Pre-Submission Checklist
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick all the checkboxes that apply -->
<!-- All points should be verified, otherwise, read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines from above-->
<!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask on sr-dev mailing list -->
- [x] Commit message has the format required by CONTRIBUTING guide
- [x] Commits are split per component (core, individual modules, libs, utils, ...)
- [x] Each component has a single commit (if not, squash them into one commit)
- [x] No commits to README files for modules (changes must be done to docbook files
in `doc/` subfolder, the README file is autogenerated)
#### Type Of Change
- [x] Small bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds new functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would change existing functionality)
#### Checklist:
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick the checkboxes that apply -->
- [ ] PR should be backported to stable branches
- [ ] Tested changes locally
- [ ] Related to issue #XXXX (replace XXXX with an open issue number)
#### Description
<!-- Describe your changes in detail -->
In case of Emergency-Registrations the S-CSCF was wrongly setting the expires of the `;sos` contacts to `em_min_expires` if they were above `em_max_expires`.
Other smaller related fixes:
- Fixed also another typo in the config params definition.
- Added some code to more easily make sense of which attributes of a struct are set with what.
- Added conditions to respect the parameter documentation which indicate that if set to 0, the expires conditions won't be used.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* ims_registrar_scscf: fixing em_max_expires
-- File Changes --
M src/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/config.c (26)
M src/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/ims_registrar_scscf_mod.c (2)
M src/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/save.c (14)
-- Patch Links --
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Message ID: <kamailio/kamailio/pull/3989(a)github.com>
<!-- Kamailio Pull Request Template -->
- for detailed contributing guidelines, read:
- pull requests must be done to master branch, unless they are backports
of fixes from master branch to a stable branch
- backports to stable branches must be done with 'git cherry-pick -x ...'
- code is contributed under BSD for core and main components (tm, sl, auth, tls)
- code is contributed GPLv2 or a compatible license for the other components
- GPL code is contributed with OpenSSL licensing exception
#### Pre-Submission Checklist
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick all the checkboxes that apply -->
<!-- All points should be verified, otherwise, read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines from above-->
<!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask on sr-dev mailing list -->
- [x] Commit message has the format required by CONTRIBUTING guide
- [x] Commits are split per component (core, individual modules, libs, utils, ...)
- [x] Each component has a single commit (if not, squash them into one commit)
- [x] No commits to README files for modules (changes must be done to docbook files
in `doc/` subfolder, the README file is autogenerated)
#### Type Of Change
- [ ] Small bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds new functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would change existing functionality)
#### Checklist:
<!-- Go over all points below, and after creating the PR, tick the checkboxes that apply -->
- [ ] PR should be backported to stable branches
- [x] Tested changes locally
- [x] Related to issue #3876
#### Description
<!-- Describe your changes in detail -->
This PR add the schemas for the table needed for the module ims-icscf
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Add ims_icscf db schema
-- File Changes --
A src/lib/srdb1/schema/kamailio-ims_icscf.xml (14)
A src/lib/srdb1/schema/nds_trusted_domains.xml (41)
A src/lib/srdb1/schema/s_cscf.xml (49)
A src/lib/srdb1/schema/s_cscf_capabilities.xml (58)
M utils/kamctl/kamdbctl.base (4)
-- Patch Links --
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Message ID: <kamailio/kamailio/pull/3991(a)github.com>