I've put the DocBook source code of the RTC Quickstart guide onto Github.
It currently includes some basic information about Kamailio, is there
anybody who would like to help expand it?
The goal of this document is to show people things that they can do to
set up federated SIP just using packages on the Linux distributions.
A lot of things like firewall, DNS and certificate creation are covered
in earlier chapters too, so the Kamailio section doesn't have to repeat
any of that.
I was investigating an issue we had on siptrace with homer: the
destination port of all SIP responses to our websocket SIP client was
always set to 5060 in the HEP headers of the traced packets sent to
Homer, but the websocket client is not actually communicating on port
When I set the global config option `force_rport=yes`, the trace
dst port started to be correct.
Digging further, I found this macro in forward.h:
1 /* use src_ip, port=src_port if rport, via port if via port, 5060 otherwise */
2 #define update_sock_struct_from_ip( to, msg ) \
3 init_su((to), &(msg)->rcv.src_ip, \
4 (((msg)->via1->rport)|| \
5 (((msg)->msg_flags|global_req_flags)&FL_FORCE_RPORT))? \
6 (msg)->rcv.src_port: \
7 ((msg)->via1->port)?(msg)->via1->port: SIP_PORT )
And I suspect that to conform to the description, line 4 should be:
4 (((msg)->rcv.src_port)|| \
instead. This way, I shouldn't need to set `force_rport=yes` to have
the tm callbacks containing the correct response dst port.
Any thoughts on this?