Hi There,
last few days i've bee very confused about the si-router project and all the ser things arround it. So in a few hours I browsed the web and finally i wrote a wikipedia article in the german wikipedia. So... these guys are now very concerned about if I have the permission to publish this Picture. The picture I'm talking about can be found on the following URL: http://sip-router.org/wp-images/sip-router-history.jpg My Question is: Are there any restrictions regarding this picture? Am I allowed to pubish it on the german wikipedia?
Quote from the Wikipedia: Um das nachvollziehen zu können, vermerke bitte die Erlaubnis auf der Dateibeschreibungsseite in der Zeile „Genehmigung“. Außerdem muss der Urheber/Rechteinhaber die Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung per E-Mail an permissions-de@wikimedia.org bestätigen. Dazu verwendet er am besten die Standard-Textvorlage.
Basically it's an appeal to the owner of the picture to write a mail to the adress permissions-de@wikimedia.org to grant the publishing.
Thanks for ur help...
On 9/16/10 8:32 AM, Moritz Graf wrote:
Hi There,
last few days i've bee very confused about the si-router project and all the ser things arround it. So in a few hours I browsed the web and finally i wrote a wikipedia article in the german wikipedia. So... these guys are now very concerned about if I have the permission to publish this Picture. The picture I'm talking about can be found on the following URL: http://sip-router.org/wp-images/sip-router-history.jpg My Question is: Are there any restrictions regarding this picture? Am I allowed to pubish it on the german wikipedia?
no restrictions, you can do what you want with it.
Quote from the Wikipedia: Um das nachvollziehen zu können, vermerke bitte die Erlaubnis auf der Dateibeschreibungsseite in der Zeile „Genehmigung“. Außerdem muss der Urheber/Rechteinhaber die Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung per E-Mail an permissions-de@wikimedia.org bestätigen. Dazu verwendet er am besten die Standard-Textvorlage.
Basically it's an appeal to the owner of the picture to write a mail to the adress permissions-de@wikimedia.org to grant the publishing.
Is still needed to write to wikimedia.org since there are no restrictions?
Cheers, Daniel