On Tuesday 04 March 2008, Edson wrote:
Ok, Daniel...
Just now I'm a little busy here, but I think that I can have the script ready for tomorrow... When ready I'll send it to You...
Just a doubt: after reading Henning e-mail, are Your 'instructions' still correct, or should I change the "<!ENTITY" tag by another thing? Henning is this "<!ENTITY" tag ok for now, or do You have another sugestion?
Hi all,
sorry, don't want to introduce further confusion. I found a good tutorial about the xinclude stuff [1], and i now think that we should go directly for the xinclude. Its not that complicated i think.
Basically it boils down to a few changes in $name.sgml:
- add some string (a namespace identifier) to the book tag, e.g. <book xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
- and replace the &devel, &user.. references with:
<xi:include href="acc_faq.sgml"/> <xi:include href="acc_user.sgml"/>
- and perhaps adding the --xinclude config switch to the xsltproc call, but i think i don't do this for the db scheme stuff, at least i don't remember. ;-)