On 02/27/08 14:15, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Wednesday 27 February 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
your points are very good. It is the skeleton/template we have to define primary. Here I see couple of items you should take in consideration:
- ability to generate standalone readme per module and aggregate all in
single document. Perhaps here we can have two documets in each module, one that will have the head/tag of a book, and the other, head/tag of a chapter -- they will be very small, just including the other documents.
Hi Daniel, hi Edson,
your suggestions sounds good. Yes, it would be nice to generate a document containing all the module documentation. For this the existing 'set' docbook-xml tag could be used. This allows the combination of several books to one bigger compilation.
great! Didn't know about.
- module names, parameters name, function names, PV names, ..., must be
clearly marked so we can extract very easy the index. You did the previous indexes in dokuwiki, and you know better how hard is to do it with the current structure.
- the generated html formats should have all the time same anchor for
parameters, functions, a.s.o, so that the reference will stay the same, even new elements are introduced. If I am not wrong, that is possible by setting an unique 'id'. In this way, links sent to mailing list, in the indexes, will be persistent over the years.
If we have a unique id per chapter/ section, then this could be easily done. The whole id stuff is for example documented at: http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/crash-course/en/doc-structure.html
section would be the hard one, as there are parameters with same name. Perhaps some patterns have to be defined here, like modulename_id. It is easier in this way to avoid conflicts with other modules.
To my first point, a proposal of files will be
- name_book.xml - will have structure of a book and include name.xml
- name_chapter.xml - will have structure of a chapter and include
name.xml (to investigate whether won't be same as name.xml)
- name.xml - similar to what is now name.sgml -- details about author,
editor, etc... and include the other files
- name_admin.xml - will contain the documentation for administrators --
same as name_users.sgml, just the 'users' is a bit unclear and thought 'admin' might be better
- name_devel.xml. and others will be added as needed
Each file we add here increases the overhead for processing. And both of 'name_admin.xml' and 'name_devel.xml' are separate chapters anyway, so i don't think that we need the 'name_chapter.xml' file. And the "structure of a book" is not so complex, so i also think that we don't need a own file for this too. What do you think are the advantages in splitting this to discrete files?
name_chapter.xml was just the main file for the case when the aggregated book was generated. I had no real expertise to know whether we can combine docbooks in another docbook. My idea was, when generating stand alone readme, use name_book.xml. For the aggregated readme, there should be some master file that will include all "name_chapter.xml" files. Once again, it may not be required, as you said.
As I had it in mind, a name_book.xml would be (pseudocode) <book> include here name_chapter.xml </book>
The name_chapter would be <chapter> include here name_admin.xml </chapter>
Perhaps we can just stay with the actual structure? Then name.xml will contain the book definition, author and include the other files. The name_admin.xml file contains the user/ admin documentation, a name_devel.xml and other will be added over time. This would also ease the conversion process.
yes, all ok for me.
Cheers, Daniel